The time is right for a modern interpretation of an iconic American industry through the people and companies shaping it today.

More than ever, Colorado’s business identity is shaped by manufacturing – a sector wholly changed from its 20th-century iconography. It’s not the singular, industrial sector of old.

Today, Colorado manufacturing spans an impressive cross-section of industries sectors, in commercial and consumer markets, and feeds off regional and national trends that currently favor growth. Sectors like food and beverage and fashion are informing a new, more progressive manufacturing brand.

But more than that, Colorado has an opportunity to cash-in. Its growing manufacturing prowess is developing at the same time of a national manufacturing resurgence. US Manufacturing is making a steady comeback.

· “Durable–goods manufacturing was the largest contributor to U.S. real GDP by state growth in 2012. This industry increased 9.1 percent in 2012, after increasing 6.8 percent in 2011. It was the leading contributor to real GDP growth in seven of the eight BEA regions and in 22 states.” U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, June 6, 2013

· “A REVOLUTION IN THE MAKING – Digital technology is transforming manufacturing…raising the prospect of an American industrial renaissance.” The Wall Street Journal, June 2013

· Colorado one of stronger states in improving manufacturing” – Denver Post, June 24, 2013

· “For the first time in more than a decade, the U.S. is actually outpacing other countries in manufacturing jobs.”MSNBC

· “Small and midsize manufacturers accounted for a third of U.S. export value.” Bloomberg Businessweek

· “U.S. companies that get most of their revenue from U.S. based sales are performing better than companies that do 50% or more of their sales abroad.”USA Today

In other words, ‘Made-in-America’ is hip. Here, that translates into widespread interest in what’s made and developed in Colorado and the companies and people leading the charge.

For media that translates into great story lines – key to good content.

CompanyWeek will also fill a practical need for information in a business community where media is very service-centric. Goods-producing companies will benefit from a much-deserved publicity ‘make-over’: it’s not the ‘Dirty, Dumb, Dangerous and Dying sector of old. The region’s manufacturing community can be markedly disconnected. Most operating in the industry comment on the need for improved collaboration – and communication. Media will help.

And service businesses and other solutions providers will benefit from media that reached a key target audience.

The time is right for a modern interpretation of an iconic American industry through the people and companies shaping it today. Readers, advertisers, business partners, the development community, and the public will benefit greatly.

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And support an strategic, important American growth sector.

The time is right for a modern interpretation of an iconic American industry through the people and companies shaping it today.
